Our 70cms repeater has the callsign of EI7SMR and is located on Seefin in the Boggeragh Mountains in North-West Cork. The site is 493 metres above sea level and generally has a good take off in all directions except for the south-west where it is blocked by Musheramore Mountain (642m ASL).
Here are some of the basic details...
Callsign : EI7SMR
Channel : RU74
Frequency Output : 430.925 MHz
Frequency Input : 438.525 MHz
Frequency Split : + 7.6 MHz
CTCSS Tone required for access : 103.5Hz
Timeout : 4 minutes
Power Output: 10 watts
Antenna : Diamond X30A mounted on top of an 8 metre mast. The antenna gain is 5.5 dBi (2 x 5/8).
QTH Locator : IO52MA
Operated by Duhallow Repeater Group. The repeater keeper is John, EI3BF. Reception reports to Hugh, EI2HI.
The repeater has been licensed since the 22nd of July 2004. The old call sign was EI3DRG.